

6th Grade Science

Mrs. Carolyn Peterson

715-472-2152 ext 154 Room 204


  • Science Articles

  • Current News Articles

  • STEM Kits

  • Lab Materials

  • Internet

Required Student Materials

  • Chromebook, notebook, binder, folder, pen/pencil

  • optional colored pencils, highlighter, markers, scissors, glue stick, water bottle


Tests/Quizzes - 40%

Assignments, Reports, Projects - 60%

Percentages can/will be adjusted throughout the trimester at the teacher’s discretion

Love and Logic Expectations:

  • Feel free to do anything that does not cause a problem for someone else.

  • If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it.

  • If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, I will do something.

  • I will treat you with respect, so you know how to treat others.

  • What I do, will depend on the person, and the situation.

  • If you feel something is unfair, whisper to me, “I’m not sure that’s fair,” and we will talk.


The students will explore and experience a variety of areas within the field of science including life, physical, and earth sciences through the use of reading, research, observation, discussion, participation in individual and group projects, and utilization of the scientific research process and experiments.


Earth’s Water Cycle, Weather and Climate, Global Weather, Severe Weather

Cells, Human Body Systems, Plant and Animal Reproduction, Genetics, Health

Electricity and Magnetism

Force and Motion, Simple Machines, Rube Goldberg Machines

Sound and Light


Essential Questions/Learning Targets For Science

From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

MS-LS1-1 Provide evidence that living things are made of cells. Show that some things are made of one cell while others are made of many different numbers and types of cells.

MS-LS1-2 Construct a model of a cell that shows how all of the parts work together to help the cell function.

MS-LS1-3 Describe the body as a system. Explain the subsystems that work together so that the body can function. Discuss the relationships between cells, tissues, and organs.

MS-LS1-4 Explain how some animal behaviors help them to successfully reproduce. Explain how some plant structures allow plants to successfully reproduce. Back up explanations with facts.

MS-LS1-5 Explain how environmental factors affect the growth of organisms. Explain how genetic factors affect the growth of organisms. Back up explanations with facts.

MS-LS1-8 Demonstrate how our senses answer to stimuli by sending messages to the brain causing quick reactions or storage as memories.

Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits

MS-LS3-2 Explain why asecual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information. Explain why sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation. Support explanations with models.

Earth’s Systems

MS-ESS2-4 Describe the water cycle. Explain the role of energy from the sun and the force of gravity in the water cycle.

MS-ESS2-5 Describe how the movement of air masses from region to region causes weather. Describe how sudden weather can occur when different air masses collide.

MS-ESS2-6 Use a model to demonstrate how the heating and rotation of Earth contributes to patterns that determine climates in different areas. Describe the Coriolis effect.

Earth and Human Activity

MS-ESS3-3 Describe the impact that humans have on the environment. Brainstorm ways that humans can limit water usage, land usage, and pollution. Determine if these solutions are reasonable.

MS-ESS3-5 Discuss the different factors that have caused a rise in global temperatures over the past century.


MS-PS3-3 Design, construct, and test a device that will either minimize or maximize thermal energy transfer.

MS-PS3-4 Conduct experiments to find out more about the relationship among energy transfer, matter, mass, and kinetic energy of the particles as measured by the temperature of the sample.

MS-PS3-5 Develop and present arguments to demonstrate that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.

Engineering Design

MS-ETS1-1 Develop a successful solution to a design problem using scientific principles. Compare the pros and cons of the solution in order to determine if it is reasonable.

MS-ETS1-2 Test the design solutions to determine whether or not they will solve the problem.

MS-ETS1-3 Use the data gathered from tests to determine which design solution will best solve the problem.

MS-ETS1-4 Develop a model of the design that can be tested and modified to create a successful prototype.