Books, Books, and MORE Books

Overdrive is also available to Lubbock ISD students and staff. You will use your student ID number and password to access ebooks. You may check out two books at a time in Overdrive and have additional hard-copy books checked out as long as you can read them in a timely manner.

Sora is the new user-friendly app to access eBooks and Audiobooks. It can be accessed several ways. You can go to overdrive and at the top you will see "Try Sora" click on the green button. You can download the app for your iPhone, iPad, or Android. Search for your school. Sign in with Lubbock ISD 1000# and birthdate. You can also add any public library if you have a public library card.

You may also visit your local Lubbock Public Library! They are conveniently located and offer additional services for Lubbock residents.

Visit the library catalog to see what's available at Mackenzie Middle School! If you don't see a book that you want from the MMS Library, we can check to see if it is available from another school in the district, or you can click the link on the left to request that a book be added to our library media center.

Students may check out up to two books at a time unless special permission is given for projects. Books may be checked for two weeks and renewed for up to two more.

Are you unsure which book to read next?? Check out the What Should I Read Next site to see if that will give you some leads, then check the library catalog to see if we have it!