Human Geographic Systems

Guiding Questions

How do societies act to ensure the well-being of their people?

Why have societies not been successful at avoiding conflict?

How have different economic systems addressed people’s wants and needs?

How do historians, geographers, and social scientists conduct credible research?


The student understands how political,economic, and social processes shape cultural patterns and characteristics in various places and regions.


The student understands the concept of region as an area of Earth's surface with related geographic characteristics.


The student understands the distribution, characteristics, and interactions of the economic systems in the world.


The student understands how geography influences economic activities.


The student understands the spatial characteristics of a variety of global political units.


The student understands the processes that influence political divisions, relationships, and policies.


The student understands how the components of culture affect the way people live and shape the characteristics of regions.

General Resources: Many of the wonderful resources found throughout this site are gathered from dozens of available links from other dynamic teachers, districts or organizations accessible on the web. The external resources are not the property of Lubbock I.S.D.