
Timeline for the Community Project

March 26, 2021: Introduce the Community Project to students

March 29, 2021: Introduce Community Project during a VIRTUAL IB Parent Information Night

April 9, 2021: Students will write proposals for approval - 1st meeting with mentors

April 16, 2021: Finalized proposals, all mentors assigned in ManageBac

April 30, May 7: Meet with Mentors

May 14, 2021: Last Mentor Meeting – Presentation finalization

May 19, 2021: Community Project Due Date

May 20 and 21: Presentations during Spanish classes.

Discuss the timeline above with your parents to determine the best times to structure your work and your service learning during the 10-week window.

Mentors will begin to meet with students on April 9 to ensure that students have support as they develop ideas and formulate plans.

Mentors will meet with students various times throughout the process. If you need assistance between those meetings and are unable to readily access your mentor, you may come to Mrs. Klameth, the IB Coordinator, for direction.

Mrs. Klameth - toby.klameth@lubbockisd.net - 806-219-3837