Academic Honors

NISCA Academic All-American: Nationally recognizes graduating seniors with a minimum GPA of 93.75. Congratulations to the following seniors who earned Academic All-American:

Avery Ho  -  Faith Rouse  -  Hailey Bangert  -  Matthew Mar  -  Norah Carr

Autumn Daize  -  Malia Rausch  -  Gabby Tadlock  -  Lydia Tomayko  -  Julia McCurley

Kyle Valdez  -  Destiny Guerra  -  Sydney Jackson  -  AJ Noble  

TISCA Academic All-State Honors: Texas recognition of juniors and seniors with a minimum GPA of 93.75.  Congratulations to the following Academic All-State honorees:

Jack Minyen  -  Gabby Tadlock  -  Grace Galliver  -  Sydney Jackson  -  Troy Eloff

Autumn Daize  -  Kylie VanderMeer  -  Abigail Smith  -  AJ Noble  -  Evan Ho  -  Kyle Valdez

Kira Baker  -  Lydia Tomayko  -  Julia McCurley  -  Avery Ho  -  Brock Weaver  -  Norah Carr

Audrey Selman  -  Matthew Mar  -  Hailey Bangert  -  Reid Trussler  -  Destiny Guerra

Joseph Cobb  -  Faith Rouse  -  Thomas Blackman  -  Emily Mayer

THSCA Academic All-State: The Texas High School Coaches Association recognizes graduating seniors with a minimum GPA of 92. Congratulations to the following seniors:

Avery Ho  -  Faith Rouse  -  Hailey Bangert  -  Matthew Mar  -  Norah Carr

Autumn Daize  -  Malia Rausch  -  Gabby Tadlock  -  Lydia Tomayko

Kyle Valdez  -  Destiny Guerra  -  Sydney Jackson  -  AJ Noble

LTHS Swimming & Diving Booster Club Daniel Hoffman Memorial Scholarship: Congratulations to...

Norah Carr  -  Faith Rouse  -  Avery Ho