
Frequently Asked Questions:

Homework is posted regularly on Google Classroom, but Classroom is only available to students at L-S. If you would like to check to see if there is homework tonight, click this here if you are in block 1 or here if you are in block 4 and have your child sign-in.

  • How can I find out when the next assessment is happening?

Use the Google Calender link here for block 1 and here for block 4 .

On the expectation sheet, you can find my email and phone information. The best way to reach me is email. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

  • Why and when will I receive a paper copy of the grade sheet?

Parents/guardians will receive a detailed grade sheet the week of Warnings and within a couple days of the end of term. All students will receive these sheets with the expectation that they will get it signed by a parent or guardian. If your child doesn't choose to get it signed on their own, I will contact you individually to ensure that parents/guardians are well aware of a student's progress.