Golden Guard

Sponsored by: Laura Finch and Jacqueline Valenzuela

meets in North Gym/Outside on Tuesday/Thursday from 6-9 pm

The Golden Guard is a competitive team made up of 9-12 graders and is a part of the Golden Tiger Marching band in the Fall and then competes on their own in the Winter/Spring.  Each member learns to spin equipment such as flags, rifles, and sabers while dancing/moving. Routines are created to help bring a story to life with visuals. The Golden Guard is a competitive sport/activity and consistently places high in competition, having won 2 state championships in the past 4 years. No experience is necessary to try out for the Golden Guard but, must have a love for performing and working hard! 

 Cost Ranges between $400-550 a semester

Lettering counts toward varsity Letter

Follow on their Instagram at lsgoldenguard 

MSHSSAA Eliegibility requirements