Welcome to the WAAE 2024 Summer Conference!

The week of June 24th-27th, we will be coming together from across Washington to have a great week of growing, connecting, and learning with some of the Best Teachers in the State, if not the US! We hope you find this conference memorable and beneficial to helping you recharge, relax, and fill up your cup to be able to fill the cups of your students. 

Registration and Hotel Information:

Little Creek Resort and Casino- Shelton, WA

$119+ per night for single King or double Queen

Room Block Reservation Information:

Deluxe King and Deluxe Double Queen Rooms are $119

Premium Double Queen Rooms are $139

Individual Reservations: 

WAAE guests will be making their own reservations directly with the Resort Reservation Department by calling our toll-free number 1-800-667-7711. Please mention block code Washington Association of Agriculture Educators to receive the special group rate. 

They also have an RV Park as well, that reservation site is linked HERE


 Who do I contact if I need information on ____________?

Scheduling: Lori Sanderson  (lsanderson@lrschools.org) or Liz Graff (egraaff@ephrataschools.org) 

Tours: Molly Majors (majorsm@adnaschools.org)

Workshops: Abby Cate (acate@royalsd.net

Auction: Rod Cool (rcool@qsd.wednet.edu) or Mike Wallace (MWallace@qsd.wednet.edu)

Softball/BBQ: Geraldine Maxfield (maxfieldg@tenino.k12.wa.us)

Recreation: Michael Jeske (mjeske@rochester.wednet.edu)

Vendor Show: Andy Williams (awilliams@lrschools.org)


Here are links to our pages of information