

Ms. Fauver

Email: jfauver@lrhsd.org

Mr. Miller

Email: shanemiller@lrhsd.org

Accessing Your Accounts

Logging into your Chromebook

Log in: yourstudentidnumber@lrstudents.org

Initial password: Your birth month (first letter capitalized), then numeric birth day, then first initial of last name (lower case), then first initial of first name (lower case), then two-digit graduating class.

Example: Mary Jones with a birth date of July 27 and graduating in 2024 would have a password of: July27jm24

If you have trouble logging in please email Ms. Fauver or Mr. Miller

Log in: yourstudentidnumber@lrstudents.org

Password: The password you use to sign into your Chromebook

Log in: yourstudentidnumber@lrstudents.org

Password: The password you use to sign into your Chromebook

Log in: Your six digit student ID number

Password: The password you use to sign into your Chromebook

Setting up for the first time:

school username: lenapemediacenter

school password: noodletools1

(to REACTIVATE your account - noodletools1)

The username and password you choose in set up will never change.

Online Databases

Username: lenapehs1

Password: lenapehs1

*Exception for Ebscohost

Username: lenapehs1

Password: lhs2021!

*please note* LRHSD does not have gmail accounts (see Outlook email tutorial above). You do have access to all other google products, including Drive, Docs, Classroom, Sites and more!

Login: LRHSD email (ID#@lrstudents.org) & your computer/email/genesis password

Video Tutorials

Noodletools Instruction - TKAM (1).webm


Genesis Access Information.webm




Library Databases: https://www.lrhsd.org/Page/1067

Noodletools: https://my.noodletools.com/logon/signin?group=24085&code=7097

Using the resources above, sign into our Student Resource Center (GALE) database. Do a search for "college." Choose any article or journal.

Create your Noodletools account following the instructions above or by watching the video tutorial. Once signed in, click on "+ new project." Title the project "Library Orientation 2020" and keep the citation style MLA and the level Advanced. Click on the sources tab at the top of the page and click "+ New Source." Because you used the library databases for your article, click on the "Database" tab and then "Original Content in a Database."

Fill out these fields with the information from your article:

Name of the database

Date of Publication


Most recent date of access


Article title

After you save, click on the sources tab. Find where it says "Print/Export" at the top of the page. Choose "Print/Export to Google Docs." Give Noodletools permission to access your Google account. Finally, share your Google Doc with your teacher, jfauver@lrhsd.org, and shanemiller@lrhsd.org.