About Us

The Lower Qu’Appelle Watershed Stewards (LQWS) is an independent, non-profit organization committed to protecting our water source in the Lower Qu’Appelle River Watershed. Our Vision is:

·         A long term, stable, high-quality water supply for people and for the environment.

·         Healthy ecosystems.  Water quality in the Lower Qu’Appelle Lakes will be able to support recreation, fishing and economic development within the ecological limits of the system.

Subsequent components of the Watershed Plan include goals, objectives and key actions.  These components are grouped into the following eight categories;

·         Source water protection and safe drinking water;

·         Water quality;

·         Water quantity and flow;

·         Industry (agriculture and other);

·         Upland water management;

·         Wastewater management;

·         Landfills and solid waste management; and

·         Governance, implementation and collaborative processes.

These components establish a comprehensive and integrated approach to make positive changes toward achieving the vision for our watershed.

To fulfill our vision, it is a collaborative effort among federal and provincial governments, non-government agencies, local stakeholders, land owners and First Nations. This process identifies and explores threats to water quality, water quantity and the aquatic ecosystem and provides a forum for stakeholders to develop and plan that contributes to sound water management.  The LQWS works in partnership with public and private stakeholders throughout the watershed to carry out projects that focus on protecting the quality and quantity of water supplies.

The business affairs are managed by the Board of Directors.  The Board is comprised of members from the east and west side of the watershed.  The Board of Directors meets a minimum of four times a year.

The day to day business is conducted by the Watershed Manager who reports to the Board and is granted such powers and duties that the Board specifies.

The LQWS receives a yearly operating grant from the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency and revenue dollars from yearly paid membership fees