Class Information


I periodically send pictures, videos, and posts on the app called “Class Dojo” so that you can see what we are up to in our classroom. These posts are private and will only be shared with the parents in our group. It is extremely important for you and I to maintain an open line of communication pertaining to your child. Please feel free to send an email or Dojo me regarding any concerns or questions you may have.  I check both periodically throughout the day. Expect a response within 24 hours during the school week. 


If you are not familiar with Class Dojo, it is an awesome communication tool for teachers and parents. Here, you will be able to see individual positive and negative behaviors as a gain or loss of points. Positive points result in weekly and quarterly rewards, and  the negative Dojo points affect the initial weekly grade of 100% (75/75). Students start with 15 points each day. As points are taken in the form of “negative Dojos”, they are subtracted from the 15 points for the day. Points (15) renew the following day. Most weeks will equal 75 total points for conduct. Positive and negative points are on two different tracks, and one can’t raise or lower each other. 


Students will use Google Classroom for a majority their work which can be accessed from home if internet is available.


Most assessments are now online which will be available for parents to check. I usually post grades within a week, or sooner. If tests are paperbased or written assignments,  the letter grade will be available online and they will go home on Tuesdays. Please review, sign, and send back no later than the following Thursday. I hold the STUDENTS ultimately responsible for returning these signed. We will review and master the procedure for getting these back in a timely manner. Positive Dojo points will be given for returning them the following day. If they are brought back two days later, there will be no positive or negative points given. If they are returned three or more days later, a Dojo will be sent home. 


Homework is only assigned when a student either needs extra practice, did not finish classwork for different reasons, or we are in “LEAP practice mode” closer to the LEAP test. Because I don’t give it often, the students will be expected to complete it. If homework is incomplete, the missing work will need to be completed during the school day at the appropriate time or it will need to be brought home again. A Dojo comment will be issued.


Fun Stuff- 

We love to celebrate birthdays! If you’d like to share snacks, please make sure they aren’t home-cooked. If you send party invitations, they can only be passed out if one is given to each student.


This is our class behavior incentive. Once the class, as a whole, has earned “Fab Friday”, they choose a class reward. Last year, one of the chosen rewards was a “slumber party” with snacks and science video, for example. So don’t be surprised if your babies come home and say, “I need to bring a sleeping bag to school”. Ha ha!!!! All kidding aside, I will let you know in advance what we have up our sleeves to give you time to prepare. The kids LOVE this day and work really hard to earn it!


Snacks in the afternoon are welcome. ONE snack, not a buffet! LOL!!! Some have tried! Water bottles are also welcomed and encouraged so that students don’t need to leave the room to get water. 

As more information comes about, I will post it on the website or send a reminder through Dojo. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.

Thank you in advance for the fantastic year I know we will have. I’m so glad to work with each and every one of you to ensure the success of our students.

Sincerely, Mrs. Primeaux
