Choir Parent Organization

Hello Lakeshore Choir Parents,

This is just a friendly note to say that we would love to have your voice be heard in the Lakeshore Choir Parents Organization (CPO). This booster group of dedicated and caring parents supports the efforts of all of the Lakeshore schools' vocal music activities. Our mission is: To support the choral and vocal music experiences of students in the Lakeshore School District through service, funding, promotion, and creating opportunities. 

We meet on the Thursday of the first full week of each month at 7PM in the LHS Choir room and we would love to have you there (some exceptions for holidays/breaks, see the calendar on this website). 

If you would like to keep the CPO activities and requests for help on your radar, please join our Remind Text Alert system by texting to the number 81010 with the message @lhscpo and hit send. You may be prompted to download the app or identify yourself. You should not need to do either to be on the text alert.

If you would like to participate but cannot make the meetings, please email me at or check the Lakeshore Choir website for future meeting dates.

Warm Regards,

Kris Zook

Lakeshore Choir Parent Organization President

The Lakeshore Choirs CPO is currently looking to fill the position of President.