
This is the math reflection sheet for your year in math class. This should be filled out prior to your conference with your parents and should guide you in a discussion of how math has been this year, is currently progressing this semester and allow you to come up with a plan and goals to finish the year strong.

The following are the topics that you should discuss with your parent or guardian;


“Throughout this year in math class, we have learned about…”

1.   Rational Number operations 

2.   Real numbers 

3.   Analyze and use proportional relationships 

4.   Analyze and solve percent problems . 

5. Analyze and solve linear equations 

6. Use Sampling to draw inferences about populations 

Within these topics that have been covered in math class, 

What is your current Academic Grade? 

My current academic grade is B  83.33%

What types of assignments make up my academic grade?

What has Mr Tuke allowed us to use on most quizzes, tests and assessments to help the class remember how to complete the problems? Notes, calculators, posters and other help resources. 


What do you think your work habit grade should be?

What does your work habit grade mean and why should you feel that it is important?

My work habits grades tell what I am doing in class and how well I am doing it. It is important because it reflects back to my content grade and it helps me reflect on how well I am doing. 

Do you have any missing assignments? 

3 missing assignments

 Do you have any late assignments?  


Why do you think we look at this information? Because it shows how i understand what we are learning and if i need help learning it. 

How does homework impact your math academic grade? Homework impacts my math grade by helping me practice things that we have learned and it helps me more understand what we are learning and how these things will help me on tests. 

March 2024 – EMS Venture Core- Math Student-Led Conferences