Social studies 

Name: Jaylee 

Walter-  Social Studies STUDENT REFLECTION

How does your Social Studies grade breakdown? 

(Check IC & use percentages for each category.)

Overall grade:

Which best describes you during class?

Highlight all those that apply

Almost always listening and/or participating with teacher                       Sometimes too distracted by others

  Sometimes distracting others                                 Quiet but paying attention

Overall, how many assignments are you missing at this point in the semester?

Highlight one

0-1 2-3 more than 4

What would you say your strengths are in school?

Highlight ALL that apply to you.

positive attitude             organized (have things/assignments when needed)            always do homework answer questions in class    pay good attention in class     help other people get good grades

try my hardest       turn in all my assignments completed                 rarely absent or late to class   

I ask questions when I don’t understand.     If I’m absent I check in with the teacher and I still get my work done.      

Where can you improve?

Highlight all those that apply to you

positive attitude             organized (have things/assignments when needed)            always do homework answer questions in class    pay good attention in class     help other people get good grades

try my hardest               turn in all my assignments completed                 rarely absent or late to class   

I ask questions when I don’t understand.     If I’m absent I check in with the teacher and I still get my work done.  

I’m happy with how I’m doing.

What class activities or assignments help you learn the most? Explain.

 Bellwork helped because it helped me get ready for the day and helped me get prepared for class and know what I'm learning. I think something else that helped me was doing my work and actually re-reading it and asking questions when I got confused. Asking for help made me better at the stuff I got stuck on, and helped me get better grades in this class and actually be able to follow along and not get that confused. 

If you could do one of our projects over this year (ex. Humanness,Outline on Economics of Africa) what would you do differently? Explain.

I would choose My outline because I would do better with timing and it probably wasn't my best work. I would do my outline because that was really stressful and when I got confused I forgot to ask because I was scared. I would redo how I worded some stuff because I feel like I could do better instead of reusing words. I would redo the setup of the outline because if we were to write an essay I think I would end up confusing myself because of how unorganized it was, it was all over the place and some things weren't in the area they were supposed to be in. 

Reflect on your thinking, learning, and work so far this year. What were you most proud of? Explain in detail.`

The thing I was most proud of was all my Egyptian classwork because I feel like I did kinda good on them and they helped me understand more about everything. Even though the egyptian stuff wasn't the most important grades i think it helped me understand more on everything to make me better at the projects and make them more detailed than not knowing anything. 

Is there one thing you wish to improve before the end of 7th Grade? Explain.

One thing I wish to improve on is getting better in turning stuff on time because for the most part I get stuff done but something I struggle to turn stuff in. I'm trying to improve how I get my work done and when I turn it in cause it can affect my grade when i dont turn stuff in on time. When I turn in my work I think it helps my grades overall. Something that i would also improve is weather im out sick or not get my work done and like when im feeling a little bit better actually go back in there and add onto it and make it a better answer because while i sick i try adn get my work done even if im sick so that im not falling behind.