scoical studys


Walter-  Social Studies STUDENT REFLECTION

How does your Social Studies grade breakdown? 

(Check IC & use percentages for each category.)

                    Over All grade  75.71%

Which best describes you during class?

Highlight all those that apply

Almost always listening and/or participating with teacher                       Sometimes too distracted by others

  Sometimes distracting others                                 Quiet but paying attention

Overall, how many assignments are you missing at this point in the semester?

Highlight one

0-1 2-3 more than 4

What would you say your strengths are in school?

Highlight ALL that apply to you.

positive attitude             organized (have things/assignments when needed)            always do homework answer questions in class    pay good attention in class     help other people get good grades

try my hardest       turn in all my assignments completed                 rarely absent or late to class   

I ask questions when I don’t understand.     If I’m absent I check in with the teacher I still get my work done.      

Where can you improve?

Highlight all those that apply to you

positive attitude             organized (have things/assignments when needed)            always do homework answer questions in class    pay good attention in class     help other people get good grades

try my hardest               turn in all my assignments completed                 rarely absent or late to class   

I ask questions when I don’t understand.     If I’m absent I check in with the teacher and I still get my work done.  

I’m happy with how I’m doing.

What class activities or assignments help you learn the most? Explain.

We do the work then go over it to make sure its right i like it cuse if i did something rong it gets explained to me so i under staned. And it also shows me how to do it right in the future. And i also like the bell work because it worms up my brain for scoicail study’s and the new assignment that wher doing. And it also helps me dile in to school in the moring to .

If you could do one of our projects over this year (ex. Humanness,Outline on Economics of Africa) what would you do differently? Explain.

Poot more thought and time into humanis project

Reflect on your thinking, learning, and work so far this year. What were you most proud of? Explain in detail.   

 Something i feel proud of is  getting ll my work that is don in class is finish it in class. And getting my work don in class and on time and have no homework either. An to or have it getting all my projects done to so i don’t have to come in for lunch or having no missing work either.

Is there one thing you wish to improve before the end of 7th Grade? Explain.

           I want to improve on getting my homework done do my homework. Because i could get better grades and be more  ready for 8th grad. and shows me how to get stuff don when it needs to be don. and gets me ready for using my time wisely at school and at home when theres something to be don.