Frequently Asked Questions

What does SAGA stand for?

SAGA stands for "Sexuality and Gender Alliance." There's no difference between SAGAs and GSAs ("Gay-Straight Alliance" or "Gender and Sexuality Alliance").

When do you meet?

SAGA meets every Tuesday immediately after school in room E1341 (Mr. Jonnard's classroom, in the band hallway). Meetings have no set end time but usually last until 4:00-4:15 at the latest.

Do you need to be LGBTQ+ to join? Are there any requirements?

You need to know what the bite of '87 is. jk Not at all!!! We welcome all people including straight/cisgender allies. All you need is an open mind. :)

What do you usually do during meetings?

We have certain days of the month set to have certain events during our meetings, like movie nights or discussions. We set aside some meetings to be unplanned in case anyone wants to bring in their own topic or activity.

What kinds of topics are usually brought up?

Because SAGA is primarily a meet up of AHS' queer student community, we tend to talk about these issues a lot: Our own identities, light conversation about our own stories, and politics are all welcome to be discussed in SAGA. However, we are always open to other conversations that aren't solely about the LGBTQ community.  These discussions are student led.