Adventurers League

What is Adventurers League?

The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons rules. You can play D&D Adventurers League games literally anywhere. Players use the fifth edition rules to create a character and bring that character to games anywhere D&D Adventurers League play is happening. Most adventures created specifically for D&D Adventurers League are playable within 2-4 hours. (from The Wizards of the Coast website) This is the Adventurers League Player's Guide.


Adventurers League meets every Wednesday from 3:35-5:30 in the woodshop. Sponsored by Mr. Babcock (

Come prepared with your printed out, pregenerated character sheet and Adventurers League Logsheet, D&D dice (if you have some), and your imagination.