Google Classroom

This page contains information on Google Classroom features for teachers & students


LPSD is recommending the use of Google Classroom for sharing and collecting student work in all grades and subject areas. Seesaw may be used in younger grades (K-1). Using these recommended applications helps all LPSD students and caregivers by providing efficient and consistent platforms for sharing work and obtaining feedback.


  • Google Apps for Education (Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, Jamboard, & Forms) have capabilities to provide and receive formative feedback through commenting and suggesting or quiz answers. Use these applications to provide a consistent platform for all students in LPSD.

  • Features include built in rubrics and curation of grades, comment banks, private feedback, and student commenting.

  • Originality reports: “Students and instructors can check if passages in a Google Docs file are similar to text on the web to identify missed citations, poor paraphrasing, or possible plagiarism.”

  • Use the Guardian notification system (email summaries) to inform of announcements, assignments, due dates and overdue work

  • Google Meet integration includes a private Meet code for each class.


Class Join Code: The class Join code is ONLY for LPSD students to join their own class in a safe and private manner.

Parents/guardians can view class happenings via Parent/guardian notifications (by email) rather than through the Google Classroom app. Teachers must turn on the guardian notification for each class in order for parents to receive information for each class. Only one teacher in the school needs to enter the email address of the guardian(s) for each student.

Students who are logged into Google Classroom can always show their parents the assignments and required class work. Another way to inform parents/guardians of assignments is through a Google Site or teacher epage and/or Edsby.

Edsby will likely not be a substitute for assignment distribution and collection of student work.

If students are working on a mobile device, they will need to download the following free apps and sign in with their LPSD email account:

  • Google Drive, Classroom, Docs, Slides, Gmail, & Google Calendar

Students are only to sign in to Google Classroom with their school account. You will be able to tell if this was done properly by going to the Class tab - all student names should be firstname.lastname AND there should be a 'Invite Guardian' or parent email address in the middle column. If you see a student personal email address or a parent name as part of your class list, please remove them.

Using Chrome at Home

Students may need access to their Chrome accounts at home. The links below will help students sign in to a computer at home to access their Google folders, files, bookmarks, and Google Classroom materials.

LPSD Teacher Instructions

  1. Parent/guardian notification by email (PDF)

  2. Assigning one copy per student of a file (Docs, Slides, PDF)

  3. Parent/guardian email notification settings (video)

  4. Google Classroom Originality Reports -scan for missing citations and scan the web to check for original content

  5. Clean up Your Room! How to organize your Google Classroom for the benefit of you and the students

  6. Student Selector Tool - randomly select your students for participation in class! (iOS & Android app only for teachers)

  7. Rubrics - create rubrics for your assignments, can be reused as well. Very easy to use and informs the students of their progress (can be used for formative and summative assessment). Alice Keeler video and rubric template.

  8. Comment Bank - quickly add comments from your own unique comment bank. Video Tutorial

  9. Archiving old Google Classes - If you use the same Google Class each year or semester, students will not be notified of old posts. Archive your old classes and reuse the posts from the old ones to populate the new class as material is introduced. All assignments will then look new to students and have current posting dates and due dates.

  10. Posting to the Classwork area rather than the Stream. Please reserve posting to the Stream for class happenings such as assessment notifications or upcoming school/class events only. Please do not post classwork or materials to the Stream. It will not allow you to categorize and organize material and will therefore, only be a long stream of unorganized work. It is very difficult for students to go back and find certain materials. Instead, post mainly to the Classwork area and be sure to include a topic for each new post. Go to the Settings gear for your class to make this change.

  11. Reuse Multiple Assignments at Once - Alice Keeler Add-on

*PDF - LPSD is now using OrbitDoc for student work on PDFs within Google Classroom. Obtain this extension from the Chrome Web Store. Contact C. Krahn for assistance working with this extension and PDFs.

Hide classwork notifications to the stream

Stream - class announcement only (no classwork posted here)

Classwork - all class materials, videos, assignments, outlines etc

Google Jamboard - collaborative whiteboard, share with others as you would any Google Doc/Slide. This is not an app or extension. Visit

Google Docs - Voice Typing Tool How to use the speech to text feature in Google Docs

PDF Candy: Online Converter

This website will help you with documents such as PDF's and images

There are more tools available that are not shown in this photo.