COVID 19 information

As we are all learning to navigate through this time of a world-wide pandemic, we try to stay up on the most current data and information. LPS continues to work closely with our local health departments and Children's Mercy Hospital to stay up to date on COVID-19 symptoms, illnesses, cases, and safety practices. Please click the link below to be directed to our district's COVID information. This information is helpful not only for information, but also when determining when to keep your student home due to illness, when to get your student to the doctor, and for possible testing. If there is any question about what to do regarding student symptoms, please check in with your nurse. The COVID-19 Exposure and Symptom Protocol is what we use to provide guidance regarding illness symptoms.

  • Symptom screening starts at home. Please keep your student home if he/she is not feeling well and/or exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Fever is not a guarantee that your student is ill. Many students do not exhibit fevers with illness (even COVID-19). Please check the temperature, but do not make this the determining factor for keeping your student home if he/she is not feeling well.

  • Children who are ill should not be at school.

  • If your student is sent home from school ill, we ask that you pick up your student as quickly as possible to reduce the chance of exposure to others.