Liberty Public Schools
COVID-19 Dashboard

The District's primary objective is to minimize any potential COVID-19 exposure to our students and staff
while fostering a positive learning environment.

Definition of Terms:

Quarantine - To keep someone who might have been exposed to the virus away from others. It includes individuals who may have been exposed to COVID-19 or who have recently had close contact with someone who has COVID-19.

Close Contact - Individuals who were within 6 feet of a COVID-19 Positive person (symptomatic or asymptomatic) for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms.

Weekly Cases - LPS Staff & Students

All cases of staff and students who were found to be either COVID-19 positive or who have been identified as a Close Contact to a COVID-19 positive individual. Close Contacts could either be associated with an LPS student or staff member or with an individual not affiliated with the District (e.g., a student may be quarantined because their parent is COVID-19 positive).

The District is tracking and reporting all cases of quarantined students and staff
since we are required to ensure that those quarantined return to school or work when safe to do so.

COVID-19 Positive Cases

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly number of new LPS staff and students found to be COVID-19 positive

Close Contacts

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly number of new LPS staff and students
identified as a CLOSE CONTACT to a COVID-19 positive individual

Quarantined: ECC/Elementary Schools

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly number of new ECC/Elementary LPS staff and students in quarantine as a result of being either COVID-19 positive or a Close Contact to a COVID-19 positive individual

Middle Schools

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly number of new LPS Middle School staff and students in quarantine as a result of being either COVID-19 positive or a Close Contact to a COVID-19 positive individual

High Schools

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly number of new LPS High School staff and students in quarantine as a result of being either COVID-19 positive or a Close Contact to a COVID-19 positive individual

Liberty Virtual School

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly number of new LPS Virtual School staff and students in quarantine as a result of being either COVID-19 positive or a Close Contact to a
COVID-19 positive individual

Quarantined Staff:
Admin Facilities

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly number of new LPS staff who report to Support Services, the Facilities Center or the District Administration Center in quarantine as a result of being either COVID-19 positive or a Close Contact to a COVID-19 positive individual


WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Total weekly number of new LPS staff and students in quarantine as a result of being either COVID-19 positive or a Close Contact to a COVID-19
positive individual

In-District Cases - LPS Staff & Students

Those cases in which an LPS student or staff member is determined to have been COVID-19 positive while in a District school or facility.
Such cases require that the District conduct contact tracing pursuant to CDC guidelines.

Data below has been presented separately to allow for a clear accounting of the District's work to minimize potential COVID-19 exposure to our staff and students
while on District property, thus minimizing the number of identified close contacts who would be required to self-quarantine.

Positive Cases

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly number of new LPS staff and student
In-District COVID-19 positive cases

Close Contacts

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly number of new LPS staff and students identified as a CLOSE CONTACT to an
In-District COVID-19 positive individual

In-District Ratio of Associated Close Contacts per COVID-19 Positive Case

WEEK of 11/14/20 - 11/20/20


Weekly ratio of new In-District Associated CLOSE CONTACTS to In-District COVID-19 positive cases


Every week, as new data is entered above, trend-line data will be entered below that tracks the total number of COVID-19 positive cases
and the total number of quarantined cases, by week, over the course of the semester.

*For Reference - as of 11/6/20, LPS has a total students and staff population of 14,923

LPS COVID-19 Communication Protocols

LPS has established the following communication protocols as it relates to COVID-19 positive and Close Contact cases. All guidance and instruction provided in any LPS COVID-19 communication has been developed pursuant to information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Children's Mercy and local Public Health Agencies.


  • Parent or Guardian of a COVID-19 positive student will receive a confirmation notice from the school that provides guidance, instructions and important dates pertaining to the duration of self-quarantine.

  • Parent or Guardian of a Close Contact student will receive a confirmation notice from the school that provides guidance, instructions and important dates pertaining to the duration of self-quarantine.

  • Should there be a COVID-19 positive case in any school, all families with students at that building will receive a courtesy notice from the District informing them of the situation.


  • Any staff member who tests COVID-19 positive will receive a confirmation notice from LPS Human Resources that provides guidance, instructions and important dates pertaining to the duration of self-quarantine.

  • Any staff member who is identified as a Close Contact will receive a confirmation notice from LPS Human Resources that provides guidance, instructions and important dates pertaining to the duration of self-quarantine.

  • Should there be a COVID-19 positive case in any school or District facility, all staff members associated with the school or facility will receive a courtesy notice from the District informing them of the situation.


  • The District will notify the appropriate Public Health Agency of all COVID-19 Positive and Close Contact cases that occur within any District school or facility.

  • The District will publish a COVID-19 Positive and Close Contact Dashboard that includes all cases occurring within any school or District facility each week. This information will be posted on the District website and will be updated each Wednesday, covering aggregated data from the previous week.