Sources of Strength

Powell utilizes the school-wide program, Sources of Strength.  Sources of Strength is an evidence-based prevention program for suicide, violence, bullying, and substance abuse. The program operates through training, supporting, and empowering both peer leaders and caring adults to impact their world through the power of connection, hope, help, and strength. Peer leaders and staff advisors are trained on the mission of Sources of Strength.  Students learn about strengths that help them through tough times, how they can help others as a peer leader, and how they and other peer leaders can effectively get messages to other students that encourage them to connect and seek help when going through emotionally hard times. We have campaigns throughout the year that address each of the sources of strength identified on the wheel. 


Introduction to Sources (August/September)

Trusted Adults (October) 

Positive Friends (December) 

Healthy Activities (February/March)