Mrs. Escue's 5th Grade Class

Welcome to Mrs. Escue's Fifth Grade website. I hope you will find this a valuable resource for you and your family. Keeping in mind that the road to success is always a work in progress, please know that this site is also always in progress; it will change and evolve on a regular basis. Check in often to see the changes, and always feel free to contact me with suggestions for additions or improvements.

You may contact me via email at I make every attempt to respond to my emails within 24 hours unless we are on break.


Twain Website

Cybersafety - internet safety resources

Infinite Campus Parent Portal


“Let learning take you on a journey.” This quote defines my philosophy of teaching. I believe learning truly is a lifelong journey with a beginning but no end, and limitless points of interest along the way. I believe parts of the journey are traveled alone while other parts are enriched by the companionship of fellow travelers. The journey is kept interesting and unique by the discovery of new roads, detours, road closures, trails chosen off the beaten path, and the occasional speed bumps and potholes. It is with great pleasure that I take on the role of “tour guide” for this special group of Twain students. I look forward to helping them along this final leg of their elementary journey and assisting them in “packing their suitcases” with all they need for their next adventure – middle school!