
You can find a weekly update from Mrs. Colton on this page - weekly updates generally come out on Sundays! 

Week of May 22nd, 2023:

It is hard to believe that it’s the last week of school. It has been a joy to have your child in class this year. Thank you for your continued support! 

Here’s what’s going on for this last week of school. Click here for the link to the Ford Spirit Days

Monday: This is Fly-Up Day! Your child will be Flying Up to 3rd grade to meet the third grade teachers after our Morning Meeting. Monday folders will be sent home for the final time today! Please hang on to the folder for next year. Spirit Day: PJ Day

Tuesday: Please send your child with their Chromebook  and charger as we will be collecting them. Students will be packing up cubbies and cleaning. If you are willing to donate wipes, that would be fantastic! Spirit Day: Dress like a tourist day!

Wednesday: We will have our class celebration. Kids will be eating Yogurtland and celebrating the end of 2nd grade as a grade level! Kids will also have their final Fox Store. Spirit Day: Dress up like a Ford teacher day! 

Thursday: Field Day! Feel free to send your child with sunscreen, a water bottle and a backpack. It is Disney themed, feel free to dress up! Our field day will be in the afternoon - click here for more information. Spirit Day: Disney Dress Up Day!

Friday: The last day of school! School dismisses at noon. Kids will be eating lunch at school. Spirit Day: Wear your Ford gear! 

Summer Learning Opportunities: Check out this list of Summer Learning Resources created by the second grade team. Summer Learning Opportunities

iReady Reports: End-of-year reading and math iReady reports will go home in orange folders this week. Please reach out with any questions!