Mrs. Brotherton

Hello everyone! My name is Jackie Brotherton and I am so excited to join the Sandburg community! Just a little about me. . . I am a product of the Littleton Public school system, and attended Hopkins, Newton and Arapahoe many years ago. I graduated from Metro State with a degree in Behavioral Sciences and a minor in Reading and then continued on to get my masters degree from Walden University in Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. My husband, Mike, is very recently retired from Lockheed and we have 2 adult daughters who are both LPS grads as well. In my spare time I love to read, take walks, enjoy our 2 cats and spend time with friends and family!

I have taught K, 1st and 2nd grade over the course of my 30 year career and Kindergarten is of course my favorite. These new-to-school learners are so precious and being a part of the beginning of their school journey is so rewarding! I can't wait to partner with you to provide a successful Kindergarten experience that gets them ready and excited to become readers and think mathematically.

I welcome your questions and want you to always feel free to bring any concerns to you might have to my attention. If I don't have the answer, then we will figure it out together. Thank you so much for trusting your child to me and to Sandburg.