Welcome to Student Support Services

Teacher for the Visually Impaired

Nancy Cozart

Hello, my name is Nancy Cozart. I am an itinerant teacher for the blind/visually impaired in LPS. I am also a certified orientation & mobility specialist. I am excited to be including Dr. Justina Ford as one of the schools I serve this year! I am starting my 35th year as a TVI/COMS. I am grateful to work with such wonderful children and their families. I am involved in several professional organizations at the local, state and national levels. My goal continues to be a lifelong learner.

Outside of work, I am married to my husband Bill and between us, we have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. I treasure all the time we get to share with them. I am originally from Michigan and then lived in Wisconsin for a few years prior to coming to Colorado. I enjoy the mountains, but always love to get back to the Great Lakes and sandy beaches. I enjoy singing, traveling and going to the theater.