Mr. Hawthorne

(NOTE:  Please allow 24 hours response time even though I typically get back faster, and do not expect a response after 5 PM during the weekdays.  Emails sent during the weekend will be addressed on Monday).

Office Phone: (303) 347-6052 (Best way to reach me is via e-mail)

Google Classroom:  Please see my Google Classroom for daily agendas, assignments, & course materials

2023-2024 Unscheduled Hours

Block 5
Block 8
NOTE:  If these times do not work for you, I am more than happy to schedule an appointment before or after school.

School Involvement

AP Human Geography PLC-Member

Car Club Sponsor

Pep Assembly Emcee

Education & Experience

MA, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Phoenix, 2010

Secondary Social Studies Licensure, Metropolitan State College of Denver, 2004

BA, Marketing, University of Denver, 1998

This is my 18th year teaching

Why I Teach

-After earning my marketing degree & spending 4 ½ years in a career I didn’t love/find fulfilling, I quickly realized something. . . I wasn’t pursuing my passions & therefore would never be happy in my job.  

-So what am I passionate about?

*Building relationships & making connections.

*My father made a career out of teaching & I strive to be a fraction as impactful as he was during his tenure.

*I love learning about new things (teaching requires me to be a lifelong learner) & sharing my  knowledge with others.

*I love history & want to demonstrate its relevance.

*I love teaching students to think on their own, ask questions about the world around them, & I  want to do my part to help prepare them for whatever their future holds. 

*Social Studies provides me with an avenue to expose students to the world outside our community.

*Through my passions I hope to inspire students to find & pursue what they love.

In short, this profession affords me the opportunity to positively impact the life of at least one student. 

-And that is why I teach.