English 10

Weekly Agendas

Google Classroom Codes

2nd Period -

4th Period - 

8th Period - 

District/Campus Policies

A few policies I want to call attention to that are of particular importance in English 10:

School-wide Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones, earbuds, and other personal electronic devices are not to be seen in class unless directed to use them by a teacher.

I will have you place you cell phones in the pocket holder at the front of the room at the beginning of every class period.

Consistent consequences include:

1st offense = Student is warned by the teacher. 

2nd offense = Teacher holds the phone for the period.

3rd offense = Teacher holds the phone for the class period and calls home.  Must be documented in IC Teacher Contact Log

4th offense = Teacher holds the phone for the class period, calls home, and writes a referral to the grade-level administrator.  Must be documented in IC Behavior Tab.