English 10


English 12 (Capstone)

Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day. - Albert Einstein

Background & Education

I'm excited to be returning for my fifth year at Arapahoe and my twenty-fourth year as an educator. Although I've taught every grade level from fourth through twelfth grade, a high school English classroom is my natural habitat: truth told slant, philosophical discussions, slang and poetry and the whole jumble of human experience caught in a few lines of writing...I get to talk about this stuff every day.

Most of my previous teaching experience was in Texas, where I lived for 17 years before moving to Colorado in July of 2018. I love being outside with my family, whether we're hiking, running, or riding our bikes. I also love to read, write, and cook.

I earned my B.S. in Education with a dual major in English and Theology from Concordia University in Seward, NE. My M.A. in Humanities (Literature emphasis) is from the University of Texas at Dallas.

I teach because I value curiosity in myself and others. Teaching helps me remain curious and gives me the opportunity to foster curiosity in my students. 

My Promise to Kids

This year, my promise to my students and their parents is I will be excellent in communicating expectations and maintaining open dialogue about our learning process and work.


English 12

- C1458 1st Period

- C1458 7th Period

English 10 (Co-Taught)

- C1458 2nd Period

- C1458 4th Period

- C1458 8th Period

Office Hours

- I'm available for in-person or online appointments during my unscheduled periods, 5th and 6th. We can also have an online meeting before or after school. Set an appointment to meet with me using this site or via email.


10 Things to Know about Mr. Schermbeck

1. I believe human invention peaked with the bicycle.

2. Family dinner is always, always, always the highlight of my day.

3. If it wouldn't sound right with a mandolin accompanying it, I probably won't listen to it.

4. I was born in Nebraska and can confirm that it's not for everyone. I love it, though.

5. What's in the cup? Probably coffee, preferably French press.

6. I think it's important to fail, so long as you are able to learn and grow as a result of your failure.

7. My favorite book is always an ongoing argument with myself. Current contenders: As I Lay Dying, White Teeth, Catch-22, Leisure: The Basis of Culture, Go Tell it on the Mountain.

8. Springsteen.

9. If you told me I could eat only oatmeal, bananas, and peanut butter for the rest of my life, I would probably be okay with it.

10. If you told me I could teach only poetry for the rest of my life, I would probably be okay with that, too.

My dream dinner party crew.