Meet Mrs. Mcknight

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”
~ Charles Darwin 

Education and Experience



My Purpose/ Why

I had the pleasure of having a very good science teacher in high school. He was fun and engaging, he cared about us, and most importantly, he pushed us to be the best students we could be. These are my memories of a high school science class. This is also what drives me in my classroom. I think about how I could not wait to go to science every day and how I thought about, talked about, and worked on science outside of the classroom. These feelings are what I hope to ignite in my students. I want to share my passion for science with you through your passions for life. I hope to get to know you outside the classroom so that inside the classroom you trust me to take academic risks and learn from them regardless of the outcome. I hope you feel connected to me and my class for years to come and someday talk about your high school science class like I talk about mine. 

My Schedule

Contatct Information

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