Mrs. Demis
3rd Grade
About Me:
My name is Kristen Demis and I have been teaching at Littleton Prep for 16 years. Before joining the Littleton Prep staff, I taught 4th grade at Denver Jewish Day School for 14 years. I have a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Colorado.
I'm married and have two daughters (ages 21 and 15). My oldest daughter, Morgan, is studying biology at Colorado State University. My youngest daughter, Isabella, is a second year student at Heritage High School. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, biking, kayaking, traveling and spending time with my family and friends.
3rd Grade
Welcome to the 2024-2025 third grade school year!
Please refer to the “Week at a Glance” e-mail for additional school wide information.
Good communication between parent, teacher, and student is important. We will do our best to keep you informed and we welcome you to contact us as needed.
Mrs. Demis Mrs. Hammers
Room 122 Room 121
(303) 734-1995 ext. 222 (303) 734-1995 ext. 221
Wednesday Folders
Be sure to look for your child’s Wednesday Folder that will be sent home every Wednesday afternoon. The folder will contain important information from both the classroom and the school. Please read the folder’s contents and return the empty folder with your child the following day.
Infinite Campus/Parent Portal
You can check your child’s academic progress via Infinite Campus. If you are not familiar with the Parent Portal please contact the school office. They will get you set up with a password and instructions on how to access your child’s current grades, assignments and missing work.
We will post daily homework assignments on our individual web pages. Assignments will be listed by subject. As a general rule, third grade students will have 30 minutes or less of homework per night. Please contact us if your child is doing an excessive amount of homework each night.
Late Work
Goal – 100% of students will end the semester with all work completed.
Late work will be given 90% of the grade earned up until the end of the quarter or the end of a unit, whichever comes first. Assignments will be marked in Infinite Campus as missing. Once the student turns the assignment in, their grade will be entered and it will be marked as late.
Nut/Peanut Aware Environment
Here at Littleton Prep, there are a number of children with very serious life-threatening nut/peanut allergies. As a school dedicated to the safety of all students, we recognize the need to minimize the potential exposure to nut/peanut in the actual classroom environment for our allergic students. Since students frequently change classrooms due to ability grouping and utilizing common space for specials and after school activities, all classroom learning spaces will be nut/peanut restricted. The following nut/peanut awareness guidelines will be implemented:
* Make every effort to create nut/peanut restricted classroom environments. Parents, staff and students are asked to not send nut/peanut products to school with your child for snack.
* Extra hand washing is encouraged.
* Children are encouraged not to share food.
* Make every effort to provide nut/peanut free snacks for parties and celebrations.
* We will provide nut/peanut free seating in the cafeteria.
Students may continue to bring nut/peanut products in their lunch. We appreciate your support in helping to minimize the possible exposure of our nut allergy students to nut products. As always, the health, safety and well being of each and every child at our school continue to be of the utmost importance to us.
Morning Meeting
Morning Meeting will be an important start to each school day. We will use a brief portion of each day for students to greet each other. They will also have the opportunity to participate in various activities that will help build community. The themes and activities for the week will be related to the LPCS Core Values: excellence, respect, compassion, integrity and safety. School news will be discussed as well. We encourage all students to arrive on time so they will not miss this important part of each day.
Birthdays - Students will be recognized and celebrated on their birthday by their homeroom teacher. As stated in school policy, please refrain from bringing in treats or goodies for the class.
Paraprofessionals – We are pleased to have Mrs. Coleman on our third grade team.
Academic Honesty-2023/2024
One of Littleton Prep’s Core Values is integrity. A key component of integrity is honesty, which means students consistently turn in original work at school. Academic honesty at Littleton Prep is key to achieving our mission to provide a content-rich, academically rigorous education with a well-defined, sequential curriculum in a safe, orderly, and caring environment. This document serves as an overview of the school-wide expectations and practices regarding academic honesty.
All academic tasks will be accomplished honestly to ensure that the work is the student’s own and proper credit is given to the sources used. Students will be supported to take responsibility for their academic actions and the consequences of those actions, even if the offense is unintentional.
At Littleton Prep, academic misconduct is defined as:
Cheating and Collusion:
Cheating is when a student makes a deliberate choice to gain an unfair advantage on an academic task.
Examples may include:
Inappropriate use of programmable watches, smartphones, wearable technology, and other computer and electronic devices
Failing to follow teacher guidelines regarding collaboration on assignments or projects; completing all work independently unless expressly instructed otherwise
Copying another student’s work (with or without his/her knowledge)
Using unauthorized notes or other study aids during an assessment
Communicating or using any electronic device inappropriately
Using intellectual property is defined as the ideas or work of another person without proper citation
Collusion is when someone makes a deliberate choice to help another individual cheat.
Examples may include:
Taking an assessment online or in person for another student
Giving intellectual property (their own or others) to a student with the intent to cheat
Forging documents for another student
Helping copy documents for another student
Providing unauthorized notes to another student during an assessment
Discussing/providing information about a quiz or test with students who have not completed the assessment
Students turn in the same work for a different assessment task or different subject areas.
The act of using words, ideas, or products belonging to another person or source without crediting the source from which it was taken. Plagiarism can occur when a person tries to represent another person’s work as his/her own in order to obtain some benefit, credit, or gain.
Use of Artificial Intelligence
Using any AI tool, such as ChatGPT or an online translation device, to construct written responses in place of original student responses is considered cheating. Teachers may use various AI detection tools to determine if AI has been used to construct answers.
Student Responsibilities
The students are expected to understand and honor the academic honesty policy by:
Submitting work that is their own
Acknowledge sources as directed by their teacher
Asking for assistance if they are uncertain about how to acknowledge sources