Lenski PTO


8-26th: CMAS testing for 3rd-5th grade

19 & 22nd: No School

30: Children's Chorale Performance


2: Mom's Night Out

3: Incoming Kindergarten Story time

7: Sprit Night @ Urban Air

13-17: BOGO Book Fair

16: Kindergarten Celebration

17: Field Day

20: Field Day Rain Delay Date

24: 5th grade continuation and Last Day of School

Welcome Lenski Parents

Dear Lenski Parents,  Our school would not be the wonderful place that it is without YOU!  If you are interested in learning about the PTO or would like to volunteer, please let us know!

Current Volunteer Opportunities:

If you are wanting to take on a position, we have many opportunities available.  Please keep in mind that many opportunities will arise throughout the year that will require volunteers for specific events.   If you would like to learn more about any of the positions, please email us at lenskipto@gmail.com 

Open positions for 2024-2025