
On this page, you will write your reflections for each part of the I-Search process. The best way to do this is to create a new text box for each reflection. You should include a title and date and then your reflection. Each reflection should focus on the learning happening. Think of it as a way to update me on your learning process as you go through the I-Search project. See the sample post below to help you format your reflections

  • Write a post for every part of the project that reflects on the learning process. Answer the following questions for each part:
    • Reflect on your learning process in this stage of the project. Explain.
    • How has this helped you in your overall research question or the project?
    • Explain how you are feeling about the career field you chose during each stage.
  • The parts of the project that you will need a reflection post are:
    • Mini Speech
    • Research - Internet
    • Research - Interview
    • Research - Online Presence
    • Rough Draft Workshop

Mini-Speech Reflection 4/10

This is a mini speech reflection. You will notice that I used a Heading Style for the title and date of the reflection, and normal text for my reflection. I am focusing on what I learned through the process of practicing my mini-speech in front of the camera, and then the feedback that I received from everyone else on the FlipGrid assignment. This will allow me to show my learning in a way that focus on effective communication skills and PVLEGS. I will do several of these text boxes for all of my reflections due on the project.