About our Library
Our Mission
As the biggest classroom at Euclid Middle School, the LLC plays a central role in teaching and learning by providing a vibrant, collaborative environment that supports students, teachers, and other members of the school community in becoming effective, responsible seekers and users of technology and information.
The LLC actively promotes the integration of the 4 C’s -- collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication - into the curriculum.
The LLC fosters a lasting appreciation of reading and how literature reflects our world.
Intellectual freedom is everyone’s right.
The LLC is a safe place for all learners and provides equitable access to up-to-date and culturally relevant resources.
Student Expectations
Members of the Euclid community should be REAL when visiting the LLC. Expectations include:
Be Respectful - Use the furniture and spaces as intended. Sit only on chairs/stools, no climbing. Please don’t move furniture. Please, only water bottles with lids. No food.
Be Excellent - Be aware of the purpose of your visit and act accordingly. Follow all school rules. Say please and thank you.
Be Accepting - Use language and behavior that keeps the library a safe and welcoming space for all learners.
Be a Leader - Clean up after yourself -- and others, if you wish to be helpful.
Visiting the LLC
Students may visit the library before school starting at 8:30 and after school from 3:50-5:10. Students who arrive after 4 p.m. must have a pass from a teacher.
During the school day, teachers may reserve the library for class use and students may visit with a pass from a teacher.
There will be opportunities to visit the library during Core +. More information to come.
Checkout Policies
Students must know their ID number (lunch number) to checkout a book.
Students may checkout three books at a time.
Books may be borrowed for two weeks and may be renewed as long there is not a hold for that title.
Students will not be permitted to checkout books if their account has items overdue or if there is a fine assigned.
The librarian will make her best effort to send overdue notices to students and parents weekly.
Materials that are overdue more than 30 days will be marked "LOST" and a fee will be assessed. Fees will be removed from a student's account when the book has been returned.
Lost and Damaged Materials
Damaged books should be brought to the teacher librarian for assessment and repair. These items should not be repaired at home.
If a book is lost or damaged, the student and/or parent is responsible for paying the average replacement cost of each book, which can be paid for via cash/check to Mrs. Kelley in the office or using RevTrack. DO NOT PURCHASE A REPLACEMENT COPY.
Payment for a lost book WILL NOT BE reimbursed should the book be found.