CE Introduction to Business

CE Introduction to Business-115

Earn college credit while still in high school!

ACC has a Concurrent Enrollment program designed for students looking for a challenging academic experience. High school students can earn both high school and college credit simultaneously. This program:

  • Lowers the cost of college by providing college credit at no charge to the student (textbook purchase may be required)

  • Prepares students for a seamless transfer to college by providing the experience of being a college student

  • Allows access to college coursework at your high school

College courses are offered during the school day and are taught by ACC-qualified high school instructors. Many of these college courses are guaranteed to transfer to any public 4-year institution in Colorado.

How does concurrent enrollment at Arapahoe Community College compare to other college-credit programs?

AP (Advanced Placement), IB (International Baccalaureate), and other options allow you to earn college credit while still in high school. All of these programs are good ways for you to get the college credit you want and the rigor you demand. ACC concurrent enrollment is unique in that:

  • You earn credit immediately on successful completion of the course

  • No exit exam or post-course testing is needed

  • Credit appears on your ACC transcript just as if you had taken the course at an ACC Campus

  • Credit can apply directly towards a degree

Will these courses transfer if I want to get a Bachelor’s degree?

With all degree programs, transfer credit is granted by the college that accepts the credit, not the college where the credit was earned. Other colleges can change their policies, so it’s always a good idea to check with the college where you would like to earn your final degree. At a minimum, you’re sure to earn credit at all of the Colorado Community Colleges through concurrent enrollment and you will receive the quality, support, and rigor that you would expect at ACC.

If you would like the course credits to transfer your must contact ACC to have your transcripts sent.

Units of Study ( may change with our new schedule and times)

Week Topics and Chapters Covered

WK-1 Sign up for ACC Credit-Group work

WK-2 Business Economics-

WK-3 Business Ownership

WK-4 Entrepreneurship

WK-5 Franchise

WK-6 Ethics

WK-7 Ethics-case study, paper and presentation

WK-8 Human Resources

WK-9 International Business

WK-10 International Business-project

WK-11 Marketing

WK-12 Marketing-project

WK-13 Finance

WK-14 Work on final project