About Me

 Contact information: jbudden@lps.k12.co.us

This is my first year teaching at Powell!   This is my 17th year of teaching and I am excited to be back in middle school teaching Social Studies!

 I have taught every grade from kindergarten through 12th grade in both public and private schools. I started Colorado State University in the pre-veterinary biomedical science program, but after a summer as a camp counselor my junior year, I realized that I needed to change my major to work with children. I graduated from Colorado State University with degrees in both History and Psychology with a concentration minor in secondary teaching. I also have endorsements in elementary education and social studies. My senior year in college, I attended a year-long study abroad program in England in pursuit of a deeper understanding of history, paying particular attention to women's studies. 

        In addition to my particular love of children and education, I also love to travel and experience different cultures.  I relish these new experiences  with my family.  I am married to my wonderful British husband John, (whom I met at summer camp) and have two girls, one at Euclid and the other at Heritage. As a Colorado native, I love the Colorado outdoors and all it has to offer. I also enjoy photography, cooking and family nights!

      I am excited for this opportunity to work with my wonderful team and your children.  What an honor and privilege that I get to teach and learn from your amazing children.