About Me


    • M.A. Curriculum and Instruction; Univeristy of Colorado Denver

    • B.S. Journalism; University of Colorado Boulder

    • Licensed in Secondary Language Arts and Social Studies


    • Co-director of the Denver Writing Project; contract instructor through University of Colorado Denver

    • 12th year teach at Arapahoe; 14th year teaching in total

The best way to get in contact with me will be through email: abinney@lps.k12.co.us

Things to note:

    • I will use Google Classroom and Turnitin as our primary assignment platforms. Most assignments will be turned in virtually through one of these formats.

        • If you are a parent, and would like to be included on your student's Google Classroom account for my class, your student can send an invite to you from their account, or I can send the invite. To request the classroom code, simply send me an email.

    • I will be responding to emails on weekdays with a 24-hour response time.

    • I will not be available to respond to emails after 4:00 p.m.