All About OuR Classroom

Behavior Policy

In my classroom, I believe in instilling responsibility for positive and negative choices. We talk a lot about respect, being a caring friend, and taking responsibility for the choices each student makes. Students learn how to use respectful and kind language when their feelings are hurt. They are encouraged to use “I messages” to when problem solving. For example, “I don’t like it when you keep tapping my shoulder, please stop.” We work together on appropriate responses to these messages as we learn to interact and build friendships.

I also emphasize the positive in the classroom and reward students for positive behavior in a variety of ways. This can be done individually through verbal praise, reward notes, and earning reward coupons for such privileges as sitting at the teacher's desk, wearing a hat or bringing a stuffed friend to school.

Additionally, I use Class Dojo as a means of tracking student behaviors. For positive and respectful behaviors, students will receive points on Class Dojo. When they need more than one friendly reminder to refocus or to think more carefully about their actions, they can lose points in Class Dojo. Students will accumulate points throughout the year and will have opportunities to redeem them for special coupons and privileges.

Classroom Celebrations

We love celebrating birthdays with the class! Your child will receive a special treat bag for their special day! Students with summer birthdays will celebrate their ½ birthday or if their birthday also falls on a school break, students can select their "un-birthday" to celebrate. Everyone deserves a celebration for their special day, even if it has to come a few months early!

Also, we do not have birthday treats in the classroom in order to cut down a little on sweets and as a way to be mindful of students will dietary needs and allergies.


Students will not receive nightly or weekly homework in paper form. They will instead be asked to read nightly and charge their Chromebook.

Reading at Home

Students are expected to read at least 20 minutes per weekday at home. If you find that you do not have on level books or books of interest at home, please let me know, I can send books home weekly to support your child.


Chromebooks NEED to go back and forth with your child in their backpacks DAILY. Chromebooks need to be charged AT HOME and come to school daily fully charged.

Virtual Back to School Night

BTS Night presentation and voiceover video

Soft Start Info

Soft Start information and details