Growing in Mathematics

My Wish for You this Year:

Mrs. Adolph is:

A mom, a friend, a daughter, a risk-taker, a life-long learner, a national champion horseback rider, a mathematician, an optimist, an explorer, a seeker, a companion, a skier, a wife, a problem-solver, and so much more! But let's not allow just words and labels to define us...There's no place to stop!  So I ask you to think about this question and reflect on it all year long: Who Are You?  "I am..."

Let's be proud of ourselves and take care of ourselves, so we can best take care of others!

The first week of school, I will have you complete a personal pennant with information and pictures of you and your family, so we can get to know one another better and get to see what you do, and who is important to you, outside of school.  I attached some photos of me below, so you can get the idea and plan ahead for yourself.

Contact me at:
