Ms. Schweitzer


Hello!  This is just to tell you a little about myself. I moved to Valdosta from Lakenheath, England in 1997, but I am originally from Missouri. I have one daughter, Danielle. She is currently in college.

I graduated from Valdosta State University with a degree in Early Childhood Education in 2001, and I have been teaching ever since. I have taught in grades Pre- Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First, Second, and Fifth. I started teaching at Clyattville Elementary in 2001, and it is a privilege to be back. I love this school and the people in it. Clyattville Elementary is a great place to be!

OUR VISION:    A learning community striving for excellence every day 

OUR MISSION:    Working together to empower, challenge, and inspire – One Lowndes!