Welcome to Professional Learning

S.I.P Goal 1: For the 2023-24 school year, our goal is to have a school-wide Professional Learning (PL) and Professional Learning Community (PLC) focus committed to the learning of all students by using data and researched based instructional practices to increase student achievement. 

9/28/23- Tech Day with Mrs. Hamel

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9.25 Content Lead PL

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9/14/23- Initial MTSS Meeting and PBIS 

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9.12.23 - envision PL

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Middle school math teachers and math coaches across the system collaborated at Lowndes High School yesterday using their new enVision resources!

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8/17/23  MTSS Support Crash Course (504,PLC,SPED, Progress Monitoring)

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PGM's Teachers using the 5 step data protocol to examine their 

gmas data from 2021-2023

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Professional Learning- August 3, 2023

2. What does the data tell us? What does the data not tell us?

3. What Good News is there to celebrate?

4. What are the problems of practice suggested by the data?

5. What are the key conclusions? What recommendations does the team have for addressing the problems of practice?