Mrs. O'Connor's Class


Hi there! This is my 22nd year in the Lowndes County School System. Most of my years have been spent working with kids who have learning needs of one kind or another. I spent 4 years as a special education coordinator where I worked with teachers and administrators at different schools within our school system. What can I say, though? I LOVE working with the children, so I returned to the classroom about 10 years ago, and I haven't looked back! I always say, "Kids are more fun than grown-ups!"

My goal as an educator at HES is to help the kids who struggle to be the most successful 4th graders they can be! Some of our day is spent in the regular classroom, and some of our day is spent in my resource classroom in a small group. I plan with regular education teachers every week to be sure I'm providing grade level instructional opportunities and preparing them to be successful with grade level curriculum. Mr. Hodge is our supplemental aid. He helps me take care of these kiddos! While I'm in one place with a group, he's in another place with the rest of the kids. We make a great team!

How can you help your child cope with the schedule and rigor of 4th grade?

* Check their agenda every single day! This is where we write our homework and upcoming quizzes. We don't have a lot of homework, but what we do have is so they can practice more on something we are learning at that time. I'll always be sure to send something that matches what we did in class so you can look back at the work from that day.

* Practice math facts! If you have internet, use Reflex - your child has a password and can show it to you! If you don't have internet, please use good, old-fashioned flash cards! I cannot express the importance of math facts this year! ALL of them: ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE!

* Read with your child. Read to them. Let them read to you. Read a page and let them read a page. DISCUSS what you read! We cannot become better readers if we don't practice - just like with sports! Star quarterbacks have to do star students!

* Look in their communication folder. Sometimes something important might come home even if it's not a Friday.

* Have a good attitude towards school. If your child sees that you believe in school and teachers, then he or she will have a positive attitude toward learning, too!

* Ask your child about their day. Sometimes it might just remind them that school really CAN be fun!

* Finally, call me, email me, come see me! If you have a question or a concern, please contact me!


Or...send a DOJO message!