This year we are offering two separate opportunities to learn and come along side the Lowndes Viking Volleyball Team through a Summer Camp and All-Star Academy. Each of these is a separate experience where volleyball will be played, taught and enjoyed by all. 

If interested please complete the appropriate registration form you are interested in (or one or both) and return with cash or check amount to Lowndes High School C/O Autumn Bell directly or through the mail. RevTrak is the online payment option that is open as well, by scanning the QR code at the bottom of this page you will be directed to to this registration + payment online option.

Questions? Email -

Viking Volleyball Camp

Date: June 19th-21st

Time: 9AM-12PM

4th - 8th Graders

Cost $100

All-Star Volleyball Academy

Date: July 10th-12th

Time: 8:30-11AM

6th - 8th Graders

Cost $125

RevTrak OR Code for ONLINE payment + registration