8th Grade Math and Algebra


Mrs. Kelly Renn

 Contact Information:         kellyrenn@lowndes.k12.ga.us

To schedule a parent conference, please do so through the Guidance Office. ( 229-)

Google Classrooms:                                               One Lowndes Codes:



1st Academic:                                                                            1st AC -

2nd Academic:                                                                         2nd AC -   

3rd Academic:                                                                         3rd AC -

4th Academic:                                                                         4th AC -    

 "Life is a math equation.  In order to gain the most, you have to convert negatives into positives." - Anonymous

About me

Hello, I am Mrs. Renn.  I am married to my best friend. We love to ride our motorcycles for therapy. I am very excited to be a part of the Lowndes Middle School family.  This is my 15th year in education. 

I have a beautiful daughter, son-n-law and granddaughter. They are a military family and very proud of his service in the military.

This is my rescued son, Diesel Davidson.  He is very calm and friendly.

This is my other son, Harley Bacon.  He is a pure bred Miniature Pot Belly pig.  He is very stubborn and smart. Yes he is an inside pig. :)