

2019 Assessment in Action Grant Reports

  • Washington Community and Technical College Library Consortium - Established in 2016, the Washington WACTCLC strives to work cooperatively to achieve common goals and greater efficiency, and to enhance access to evolving content, services and technology.

  • Libraries as Open Education Leaders (LOEL) - From 2014-2017, this LSTA grant from the Washington State Library supported cyclical planning for Open Education (OE) programs and advocacy, created opportunities for librarians to become leaders in open education in Washington State, encouraged collaboration between faculty and librarians on OE adoption, and increased the visibility and value of librarians at colleges.



LLC Statement on Anti-Racism

June 18, 2020

The Library Leadership Council (LLC) takes a stand in support of the principles of Black Lives Matter. Especially in the wake of the recent murders of Manuel Ellis, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor, we condemn all acts of racism and violence, particularly against the Black community. As an organization and as individuals, we are dedicated to strengthening compassion, trust, and commitment to equity between human beings in our communities and across the globe.

Please read our full statement here.

WACTCLC Reports and Documents