College application process 

2024 - 2025

The college application process involves many tasks that must be completed in order to submit all required documents. Requirements will vary by college so be sure to do your research on your specific colleges! The following information will guide you through the process. The tasks listed below will not necessarily be completed in this particular order, as many of them will happen simultaneously. For example, you may be working on your college application and at the same time your teacher may be writing your letter of recommendation. 

SchooLinks is our online platform that is used for all things college! Through SchooLinks, you will be able to research colleges, build your application list, request and submit letters of recommendation, have transcripts sent, and much more! Please see below for additional information and instructions.

general information

College Applications

letters of recommendation


act and/or sat test scores


CCP Credits

AP Scores

schoolinks instructions

Step 1: Build Your College Application List

Note: Some of the fields below may be automatically completed or may not appear if not needed.

For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.

Step 2: Request Letters of Recommendation and Common App Teacher Evaluations

Tell Us About Yourself!

To Request a Letter of Recommendation and Common App Teacher Evaluations

If you have already requested a teacher evaluation for one college, you can assign an existing teacher evaluation to other colleges by clicking on + Request Teacher Evaluation. These teachers will show up as Pending, Declined, or Fulfilled depending on the status of the already submitted recommendation.

For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.

Other letters, such as from a coach or employer, may be beneficial in unique circumstances but will not necessarily fulfill the recommendation requirement. 

To Track the Status of Your Requests

For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.

Step 3: Transcript Requests

Initial and Midyear Transcripts

Good news! There is nothing additional you need to do to request a transcript to be sent! SchooLinks will automatically request all required documents once you submit your college application. Please add your college application to SchooLinks at least 10 SCHOOL DAYS prior to your application deadline to allow for ample time to process the request.

Your LHS transcript will include any CCP courses that you have taken so no need for a separate transcript from the college at this time. 

Midyear transcripts are not required by all colleges. If your college requires one, it will be automatically requested and sent in January after final 1st semester grades are posted.

To Check the Status and History:

For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.

Final Transcript

This will be done once you decide where you are going! At the very latest, this will be May 1 of your senior year. May 1 is "Decision Day" which is the date by which you need to notify your college that you are planning to enroll. 

To Indicate Enrollment Decision:

Note: This process does NOT notify the college that you plan to enroll. You must do that directly through the college.

Another Note: If you have taken CCP courses, you will need to contact that college and have them send a college transcript to the college you plan to attend. CCP classes and grades are on your LHS transcript but this is not the official CCP college transcript.

For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.

Step 4: Confirm Your Application is Complete

Step 5: Update your Application Status

Questions? Please contact your School Counselor!