College application process
2024 - 2025
The college application process involves many tasks that must be completed in order to submit all required documents. Requirements will vary by college so be sure to do your research on your specific colleges! The following information will guide you through the process. The tasks listed below will not necessarily be completed in this particular order, as many of them will happen simultaneously. For example, you may be working on your college application and at the same time your teacher may be writing your letter of recommendation.
SchooLinks is our online platform that is used for all things college! Through SchooLinks, you will be able to research colleges, build your application list, request and submit letters of recommendation, have transcripts sent, and much more! Please see below for additional information and instructions.
general information
College Applications
College applications are available on the college website.
Some colleges have an application that is specific to their college, while others use the Common Application or the Coalition Application. If the college accepts Common Application or Coalition Application, you will be directed to the appropriate website.
You are responsible for submitting your application by the deadline set by the college.
letters of recommendation
Not all colleges require a letter of recommendation, some will allow them as an option and some will not accept them at all. Some special programs or majors may require an additional letter. Be sure to do your research on your specific colleges! Please only ask a teacher if you know you will need their letter.
Letters should be from a teacher that you had during 11th or 12th grade and who teaches in the same academic area as your intended major.
Your SchooLinks profile can be extremely helpful to the teacher if it is updated! Details are provided below in the SchooLinks Instructions section. There is also a "green form" available in the Office of School Counseling which gives you the opportunity to provide additional information to your teacher(s). Teachers requiring this will let you know!
It is extremely important to talk to the teacher, in person, to request your letter. This should be done prior to entering the request in SchooLinks. Teachers will upload their letters directly into SchooLinks.
In order to give teachers ample time to write your letter, please give them at least 15 school days prior to your college application deadline to write and upload their letter. Some teachers are asked to write letters for many students so the earlier you ask, the better!
Most colleges require an official transcript to be sent from LHS. This will be done by your School Counselor through SchooLinks. Please see below in the SchooLinks Instructions section for information on the request process.
You may view and download your transcript in SchooLinks. Click on the School icon in the left menu and then click on Records Request.
Transcripts are updated after each semester as final grades are posted.
Be sure to check it out and notify your School Counselor if you believe there may be an error or if you have questions.
act and/or sat test scores
Not all colleges require an ACT or SAT score. Some are now "test optional". Do your research on what your college requires!
ACT and SAT test scores must be sent directly from the testing company to the college. Test scores are not sent by LHS and do not appear on your transcript.
Some colleges are now allowing students to self-report their test scores.
To request scores to be sent, you must go to the ACT website or to the SAT website and access your account.
There is a fee to send your score reports to each college. When you registered for your ACT or SAT, you had the opportunity to select up to 4 colleges to receive your scores for free. Double check in your ACT or SAT account to see if you already sent your score before you send it again. It will save you money!
CCP Credits
CCP classes and grades are on your LHS transcript but this is not the official CCP college transcript.
Once you decide where you are going to go to college, you will need to contact the college where you took CCP classes and have them send a college transcript to the college you plan to attend.
AP Scores
AP scores are not included on your LHS transcript.
Once you decide where you are going to go to college, you will need to send your scores directly from the testing company to the college you plan to attend. Go to the ACT website or the SAT website and log into your account.
schoolinks instructions
Step 1: Build Your College Application List
Log into SchooLinks through your Abre waffle
Click on the Colleges icon in the left menu
Click on College Applications
Connect your Common Application - Click here for detailed instructions (you must be logged in to SchooLinks to view)
If you already added schools in Common App prior to linking your accounts, these will be added to your submissions tracker during the sync.
This may take a few minutes so don't worry if it doesn't happen immediately.
Add additional colleges as needed
Click on the + Add Application button in the top right
Search for the college name and select it
Click on Add application
Note: Some of the fields below may be automatically completed or may not appear if not needed.
Select your Application Status - this will automatically appear as "In Progress" - click on the blue pencil to edit if needed
Choose Application Method - this is how you will be submitting this application (Common App, School-specific online, etc.)
Choose Application Type (some common types are listed below)
Early Decision - can only apply Early Decision to one college and it is binding
Early Action - can apply Early Action to multiple colleges and it is non-binding
Regular Decision - can apply Regular Decision to multiple colleges and it is non-binding
Rolling Admission - applications are accepted until programs fill and it is non-binding
Choose Doc Destination - for most colleges, this will be automatically completed
Enter Program Name - optional and only used if applying to a program that requires a different application
Select Financial Aid option - leave blank if you do not plan to apply for financial aid
Select Scores and Performance option - leave blank if you do not plan to send or report ACT/SAT scores
Click on Save Application
For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.
Step 2: Request Letters of Recommendation and Common App Teacher Evaluations
Tell Us About Yourself!
Update your profile before you begin! Access it by clicking on your name in the top right of your dashboard. This is the place for you to share your goals, strengths, interests, hobbies, job experience, volunteer experience, extracurriculars, awards, and much more! Teachers can refer to this as they write your letter. You will request ALL of your letters of recommendation through SchooLinks, with the exception of "Other Recommenders" as explained below.
Upload your resume if you have one! A resume can provide additional information that your teachers may use in their letters.
Click on the paper icon to the right of your name
Click on Add File
Click on Upload from Computer and choose your file OR click on Add File Link and paste your link
Complete the Teacher Letter of Recommendation Request Form (otherwise known as the "green form") if your teacher has requested one from you. Paper copies are available in the Office of School Counseling or click here to access a pdf you can type in and print on your own.
To Request a Letter of Recommendation and Common App Teacher Evaluations
Click on the Colleges icon in the left menu
Click on College Applications
Click on the pencil icon of the college you want to request a teacher recommendation for
Go to the Teacher Evaluations column - this column includes info on number of letters required and number of optional allowed
Click on Add Recommender
Search for your teacher's name and click on it or enter it manually if they are not an LHS teacher
Click Next
Enter Subject Area from the dropdown menu
Enter an optional message if you'd like - always nice to say THANK YOU :)
Click Submit Request - the teacher will receive an email from SchooLinks with instructions on how to upload your letter
If you have already requested a teacher evaluation for one college, you can assign an existing teacher evaluation to other colleges by clicking on + Request Teacher Evaluation. These teachers will show up as Pending, Declined, or Fulfilled depending on the status of the already submitted recommendation.
For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.
Other letters, such as from a coach or employer, may be beneficial in unique circumstances but will not necessarily fulfill the recommendation requirement.
For Common App schools, you must invite these recommenders through Common App as an "Other Recommender". Not all colleges will accept them. Click here to access instructions.
For schools not on Common App, you can add them manually in the "Add Recommender" step if accepted. Enter the name and email address of the person you are requesting. SchooLinks will send an email to them with instructions.
To Track the Status of Your Requests
Click on the Colleges icon in the left menu
Click on College Applications
Go to the Recommendation Tracker located in the left hand column
Click on View All Requests
For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.
Step 3: Transcript Requests
Initial and Midyear Transcripts
Good news! There is nothing additional you need to do to request a transcript to be sent! SchooLinks will automatically request all required documents once you submit your college application. Please add your college application to SchooLinks at least 10 SCHOOL DAYS prior to your application deadline to allow for ample time to process the request.
Your LHS transcript will include any CCP courses that you have taken so no need for a separate transcript from the college at this time.
Midyear transcripts are not required by all colleges. If your college requires one, it will be automatically requested and sent in January after final 1st semester grades are posted.
To Check the Status and History:
Click on the Colleges icon in the left menu
Click on College Applications
Click on the pencil icon of the college you would like to check
Go to the Counselor Documents column and click on Show History - once the transcript is sent and viewed by the college, you will see a Doc ID available from Parchment
For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.
Final Transcript
This will be done once you decide where you are going! At the very latest, this will be May 1 of your senior year. May 1 is "Decision Day" which is the date by which you need to notify your college that you are planning to enroll.
To Indicate Enrollment Decision:
Click on the Colleges icon in the left menu
Click on College Applications
Click on Application Results - make sure it has been updated to "Accepted" - if it has not, click on the pencil icon to update your result
Select Enrollment Decision
Click on the college you plan to enroll in, and then click Next
Click on Confirm Enrollment - a request for your School Counselor to send your Final Transcript will be automatically made
Note: This process does NOT notify the college that you plan to enroll. You must do that directly through the college.
Another Note: If you have taken CCP courses, you will need to contact that college and have them send a college transcript to the college you plan to attend. CCP classes and grades are on your LHS transcript but this is not the official CCP college transcript.
For detailed instructions provided by SchooLinks, click here! You must be logged in to SchooLinks to view.
Step 4: Confirm Your Application is Complete
Complete the Student Application Checklist in your College Application Manager for each college in your "incomplete" column. This will move your college to the "completed and pending" column. Click on the pencil to edit each college.
After you submit your application to the college, you will be given access to a college specific account.
Be sure to check your application status to confirm that the college has received all required documents. Your School Counselor will NOT be notified if documents are missing.
Often times, the college will send an email shortly after you submit your application stating that documents are missing. Allow time for your documents to arrive after we send them. Continue to check your status and notify your School Counselor if you have any concerns.
Step 5: Update your Application Status
Once you receive a decision from the college, update your application status in SchooLinks
Click on the Colleges icon in the left menu
Click on College Applications
Click on the pencil icon of the college you want to update (college must be in the "Completed and Pending" column - see Step 4)
Click on the next pencil icon in the "Application Status" bar
Click on an Application Result icon
Click on Save
Click on Confirm Acceptance
Click on Skip Award Letter for Now (We do not need this info but you are welcome to upload it for your records!)