Grab your team of 5 and mark your calendar for July 14th!

GLAR will takeover KingPin Lanes for a fun, exciting day raising money and awareness for local charities. In 2020, over $9900 was raised for charities and we’re looking forward to another successful year.

All GLAR Members, their office staff, and Affiliate* offices are welcome to participate. As this event has SOLD OUT in previous years, we are again offering two sessions during the day and spots will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis. This is a pre-paid event which cannot be charged to your GLAR account.

*Please note, Affiliate Members can participate with bowling team(s) at the event only with a Lane Sponsorship.

The fee is $30.00 per bowler for Realtor® teams, and the deadline to register is 7/5/21.

Click to learn about Affiliate Member involvement!


NAMI works to strengthen families and individuals affected by mental illness through education, support and advocacy.

The Coalition for the Homeless’s mission is to prevent and end homelessness in Louisville. We are the lead advocate for the homeless locally.Our members consist of over 30 shelters, agencies, and advocacy groups in the Louisville area.

The Coalition for the Homeless also has two youth homelessless initiatives that need support, the “Rx: Housing” or “Host Homes Pilot Project.”

The Fairness Campaign is Kentucky’s LGBTQ advocacy organization founded in 1991 by 10 Louisvillians. Its primary goal is comprehensive civil rights legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and to dismantle systemic racism. With the help of the Fairness Campaign, 21 Kentucky communities and counting have enacted Fairness Ordinances outlawing LGBTQ discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations. Today, the Fairness Campaign works in cities all across Kentucky to advance LGBTQ rights and acceptance through legislative advocacy and public education.

See the fun from previous years!