7th Grade CORE

Reading & Language Arts

Mrs. Phillips



The WHAT DID WE DO TODAY page is an ongoing curriculum calendar. Students should go to the WHAT DID WE DO TODAY page for access to the DAILY SLIDES. The DAILY SLIDES will have all the information that was presented and reviewed in class, including the DAILY HOMEWORK. Remember the WHAT DID WE DO TODAY is an advance notice of what is coming up, and will be UPDATED daily as teachable moments occur on a regular basis.

It is a good idea for students to check the DAILY SLIDES if they are absent from school.

Helpful Hints:

*Make sure you are using your golosal.net account when trying to access this page at home.
*If you are absent always reference the WHAT DID WE DO TODAY page, click on the date(s) you were absent, and check out the material covered in class before returning to class.
2019-20 WDWDT 2&3
2019-20 WDWDT 1

I use this social media platform to showcase what we do in 7th grade ELA, as well as a way to let you know about me. I will post pictures of the classroom including bulletin boards, student work, and activities that we do in class.

Contact Information

Email is preferred - dphillips@losal.org

Phone calls are always welcome: (714) 816-3320 ext. 77227

I encourage students to reach out to their teachers with any questions, comments, or concerns they have.