Mr. Ishikawa"Mr. I."

{6th-7th Grade Core -- Reading & Language Arts}

@ Oak Middle School /McAuliffe Middle School

Welcome to mr. ishikawa's english class

Parent square

  • I will be using Parent Square to send out important updates and reminders. These reminders can be sent by text message, app notifications, or emails. You can decide how you'd like to be notified when you sign up. It's a free and easy tool to help stay in touch with what's happening in both my honors core and history classes, and it takes less than a minute to sign up!


Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.

Contact Information

Mr. Drew Ishikawa

Phone: 562-799-4740 ext. 76202



Period 1:Language Arts 7H

Period 2: Reading 7H

Period 3: Prep Period

Period 4: Language Arts 7

Period 5: Reading 7

Period 6: Reading 7

Period 7: Language Arts 7