Mary Smith
Elementary School Counselor
Contact Information:
Email Address:
Phone Number: 254-857-4613
About Me
I have been apart of the Lorena Elementary School community for the past 12 years. I have a total of 21 years in education with five of those years as a school counselor.
As your school counselor, I'm committed to creating a safe and caring environment where students can grow. I'll help students develop essential qualities like perseverance, responsibility, and kindness. By taking a solution-focused approach, we can work together to overcome challenges and build a brighter future.
STARRY Counseling - free child and family counseling 254-399-6552
Leopard Angels Christmas Program - Note at the end of October or beginning of November
Pack of Hope - Erasing Hunger in McLennan County:
** Donations may be made anytime during the school year with any LISD Counselor, at the LISD administration office, or through Pack of Hope. ** Specify the donation is for Lorena ISD.
** Individuals and/or groups are welcome to pack bags Tuesday evenings. See website for specific times. **
The Shepherd's Heart Food Pantry: First Baptist Church of Lorena - 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month 6-8pm
Leopards Crossing Clothing Donations: Contact Marie Willis at 254-227-1212 or