Lorena ISD


Device AGReement

In this agreement, the “District” means the Lorena Independent School District. “I”, “me”, and “my” means the parent/guardian and student enrolled in Lorena ISD.

Terms: ​ I understand the District is allowing me to use the device for educational purposes. I agree to comply with the District’s Student Code of Conduct and the Student Handbook, the Acceptable Use Policy and Student Responsible Use Policy (collectively, the “Device Policies”) in my use of the device at all times. If I fail to comply with these terms, the District may take immediate possession of the device and I will lose any right to use or possess the device. I understand I may be disciplined for inappropriate or unauthorized use of the device, consistent with the Student Code of Conduct. If my use of the device violates criminal or civil laws, I may face legal consequences with the juvenile justice system, law enforcement, or court.

Title: ​The District maintains legal title and ownership of the device at all times. I understand my use and possession of the device is limited to and conditioned upon my full and complete compliance with this Agreement and the Device Policies.

Repossession: If I do not timely return the device and comply with all terms of this Agreement and the Device Policies, the District may take immediate possession of the device and take legal action against me.

Loss or Damage:​ If the device is damaged, lost, or stolen, I will pay the reasonable cost of repair or its fair market value on the date of loss. Loss or theft of the device must be reported to the District by the next day after the occurrence. Seniors must clear all records and pay all fees before participating in graduation ceremonies.

Terms of Agreement: My right to use and possess the device terminates no later than the date of: (1) the last day of the school year, or (2) my withdrawal from the District, unless the District requires that I return the device earlier.

Student ReSponsible Use AGreement

Student Responsible Use

  1. I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR HOW I TREAT OTHER PEOPLE. I will use email, social media, and other means of communications responsibly. I will not send or post hateful or harassing email, make discriminatory or derogatory remarks about others, or engage in bullying, harassment, or other antisocial behaviors while in school or out of school, whether on a school issued or personal device.

  2. I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFE CARE OF MY LISD ISSUED DEVICE. I will not loan out my device to other individuals. I will know where my device is at all times. I will keep food and beverages away from my device. I will not disassemble any part of my device or attempt any repairs. I will not place non-approved decorations (such as stickers, markers, etc.) on the device. I will not deface the serial number or asset tag sticker on any device. I will notify they teacher and school administrator as soon as possible in the event of damage, theft or loss.

  3. I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR USING SCHOOL-ISSUED TECHNOLOGY DEVICES PRIMARILY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. I understand that Internet, bandwidth, and email usage at school should be related to school assignments during class time. I understand that websites, content, and media should be properly cited with respect to copyright. I will also report any suspicious behavior or other misuse of technology to my teacher or other campus administrator.

  4. I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR USING MY PERSONAL DEVICE ACCORDING TO DISTRICT GUIDELINES AND IN AN ETHICAL MANNER. I understand that personal devices must remain turned off during all testing and cannot be used in the classroom unless they are approved by the teacher for instructional purposes.

  5. I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING MY DISTRICT ISSUED ACCOUNTS. I understand that I will be provided network and email accounts and that I must not share this information with anyone. I will only use my school email address to email LISD teacher accounts. I will not allow others to use my account name and password. I will also not download or sign up for any online resource or application without prior approval from my teacher or other District administrator.

  6. I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY PERSONAL INFORMATION. I understand I must always keep my personal information and the personal information of others private. I know this includes names, ID numbers, addresses, photographs, or any other personally identifiable or private information.

Parent Agreement

Parents/Guardians who newly enroll or complete returning registration for their child have already accepted the Educational Technology and Acceptable Use Agreements through the online process. The agreement is listed below as a reminder.

Educational Technology and Acceptable Use

Your child has access to a variety of technology resources through the District, including online applications for use on or off campus. Resources such as online encyclopedias, instructional videos, interactive tutorials, and many other applications offer teachers, students, and families an unprecedented variety of tools to enhance effective teaching and learning. With these resources come responsibility. Parents/Guardians understand that they are responsible for reading and communicating with their child his/her responsibilities to abide by the Lorena ISD Acceptable Use Policy Parents/Guardians also understand that consequences outlined in the Student Code of Conduct are possible for their student if the Acceptable Use Policy is violated.

It is a privilege to use Lorena ISD's electronic communication system which is an integrated part of the everyday curriculum. Electronic mail transmissions and other use of the system by students and employees shall not be considered private. Designated district staff shall be authorized to monitor such communication at any time to ensure appropriate use. The district shall not be liable for users' inappropriate use of electronic communication resources or violations of copyright restrictions or other laws, users' mistakes or negligence, and/or costs incurred by users. The district shall not be responsible for ensuring the accuracy, age appropriateness, or usability of any information found on the Internet.

Students shall retain all rights to work they create using the district's technology

Device Care, Replacement & Repair

If the device is damaged, lost, or stolen, the student/parent/guardian will pay the reasonable cost of repair or its fair market value on the date of loss. Loss or theft of the device must be reported to the District by the next day after the occurrence.

Please review the full list of Care recommendations and replacement or repair information with established costs